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Investors of All Types Are Waking Up

Why Blinko?

Because the old ‘set it and forget it’ mentality led us to this sad truth — when we are talking retirement, we are usually talking about Americans with 1) no savings, 2) not enough savings, or 3) no idea what they have saved.

No Savings: In the U.S. if you are under 30 (and working age), odds are, you are part of the nearly 50% that have $0 saved. (Fed Reserve, 2020)

Not Enough Savings: For Americans on the cusp of retirement, the picture isn’t much better. Americans 55 and older have a median retirement savings of $120K — that’s across all of their 401(k)s and/or IRAs. (Center for Retirement Research, 2020)

Forgotten Savings: To make matters worse, for those that have managed to save, 20M+ have forgotten about their retirement accounts, leaving more than $1.35 TN to be bled dry by excess fees. (Capitalize, 2021)

The status quo in retirement is F#$*ed. As it stands, Americans aren’t going to be able to retire. And saving $5 per day and skipping out on the latte doesn’t seem to be a likely solution despite what bureaucrats have been saying for 74 years.

We’re building a retirement account that takes a different approach. One that actually gets people excited to engage with their savings.

In the last 12 months, thousands of people have moved $100M+ from the zombie system into Choice.

In the last few weeks, we’ve given out millions of sats to make it a ‘no-brainer’ to save your friends from the legacy system.

We said we were going to create ‘gravity’ and force others to change with us. This is us doing just that. Daily retirement rewards in the form of bitcoin.

That's 'Why Blinko'
Now it pays to pay attention to your retirement.